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2020全球冶金鑄造鋼鐵展 metal2020 global metallurgy & casting & steel portfolio digital exhibition-PDF會刊
- 展會時間:2020年9月22日-9月26日
- 展會場館:Fairsroom virtual platform
- 展會地區:北京|北京市
- 所屬行業:機械|工業|加工
- 主辦單位:鴻爾國際展覽
- 文檔格式:PDF
- 參展商家:30 家
- 下載費用:10元
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he development of the entire metallurgy casting industry chain is facing huge challenges after COVID-19. The effect also includes the postponement and cancellation of many international trade fairs. To bridge the supply and the procurement for the whole chain of metallurgy casting industry, G-Metal 2020 provides you a perfect platform for qualified matchmaking, which saves your energy talking to the middle person With rich experience working as exclusive China Pavilion organizer in many international metallurgy & casting & steel exhibitions, Hoer Expo launches the Global metallurgy & casting & steel Portfolio Digital Exhibition with the appliance of internet, database and live-stream. During the show you can do your product launch, follow your interesting seminar, and talk to your visitor with our instant chat tool. Come and join us for a great matchmaking and find your buyers in G-Metal 2020!
- A.金牌會員--全部地區—3800元 -[開通]
- B.銀牌會員--上海地區—1800元 -[開通]
- ..銀牌會員--廣東地區—1600元 -[開通]
- ..銀牌會員--北京地區—1500元 -[開通]
- C.銅牌60本(2010-2024年)-1200元[開通]
- ..銅牌25本(2010-2024年)—600元[開通]
- ..銅牌40本(2010-2022年)—598元[開通]
- 注:A、B是下載 2010 至 2023 年的名錄.
- -- A.金牌下載限額:3本/天.
- -- B.銀牌下載限額:3本/天.
- -- C.銅牌下載限額:3本/天,任意地區.
- -- 以上會員期為一年.